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by Ken Abramczyk

Americans need to take a good, long look at Project 2025.

Spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation—a group of ultra-rich, far-right Republicans—Project 2025 is a nearly 900-page document. It is a road map for former President Trump, who was convicted of 34 felonies, to dismantle governmental agencies, eliminate job protections for thousands of government employees, and conduct a mass deportation if he is elected. In 1980 the then-new Heritage Foundation handed President-elect Reagan the first Mandate for Leadership, advancing the conservative movement’s agenda and connecting it with Reagan.[1]

Thanks to the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling, Trump would have unlimited executive powers. If elected, any of the actions listed above would be considered “official duties.”

Project 2025 basically trashes several government departments that millions of Americans rely upon for regulation, oversight, assistance, and a sense of security in our everyday lives. For example, the Project states the secretary of Health and Human Services should “uphold bodily integrity rooted in biological realities, not ideology.” It also states that “abortion and euthanasia are not health care.” [2]

That directly opposes what most Americans want: 63 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to Pew Research. [3] The Project complains about government oversight throughout the document, then promotes a plan to intrude on a healthcare decision that each woman should make for herself.

Project 2025 also claims “radical actors” are promoting “harmful identity politics” and replacing biological sex with “subjective notions of ‘gender identity’” in what the Project calls a threat to Americans’ fundamental liberties.

This claim contradicts the basic definition of liberty, which is freedom from oppressive restrictions imposed by an authority on an individual’s way of life.

There’s more.

In discussing COVID-19, Project 2025 alleges that the federal government’s public health apparatus has lost the public’s trust and that the apparatus must be restructured to regain that trust in a nimble and transparent response.

Perhaps the department will be just fine as long as Trump isn’t elected. He chose to ignore a pandemic playbook left by President Obama, and as a result, America watched loved ones die while Trump chose to downplay the pandemic’s severity. Instead of mandating masks and encouraging social distancing, he chose to ignore advice from his own public health advisors and lacked a clear plan to unite Americans behind a solid strategy.

Project 2025 aims to gut the government and instill Draconian, 1950s-era social norms. We’re better than that as Americans.

For us as Americans, the choice is clear. Join the Cherokee County Democrats in voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.



Ken Abramczyk serves as a volunteer writer. The opinions presented herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cherokee County Democratic Committee (CCDC). The CCDC has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article.

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