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On February 19, 2025, the following Georgia State Senate committees met to discuss bills to potentially advance:

Select the associated links to read each bill in full.

Public Safety

SB 75

This bill was previously read to the committee (see HERE), but a vote was not taken. The scope of the bill was linked with HB 348. This addition changes how school zones are defined, changes at what speed an automated detection device can ticket a driver, and gives investigative authority to the Department of Safety to ensure municipalities are using speed traps for safety purposes only, and adjusts how fines are disbursed.

The bill was not voted on in committee. A senator noted that it is looking like a “frankenbill” that needs further review and simplification. The bill was referred to subcommittees for further discussion.

SB 116

This bill would require the collection of DNA samples from any individual in a detention facility charged with a misdemeanor or felony who is subject to an immigration detainer notice. An immigration detainer notice denotes that ICE intends to take custody of an individual. Normally, taking an individual’s DNA requires a warrant, but the bill’s sponsor believes that illegal immigrants should not be afforded that right.

The bill passed committee.

SB 160

This bill aims to reduce street racing. If a person is convicted two or more times of stunt driving, also referred to as street racing, then a court is authorized to order installation of an intelligent speed device on the offender’s vehicle. This device limits the speed of the vehicle to be no greater than 70 miles per hour. Countries in Europe have used this technology and have had great success.

The bill passed committee.


SB 129

Under current Georgia law, if a veteran is 100% disabled, they receive a break on their property taxes; however, if the person is only 95% disabled, they get nothing. This bill seeks to change that and also provide tax breaks for first responders. A disabled veteran or first responder who was injured in the line of duty will receive a tax break equal to the disability percentage they are labeled; for example, someone deemed 100% disabled would receive a 100% break on property taxes, while someone deemed 50% disabled would receive a 50% break on property taxes. 

This law will go on the ballot in November 2026. 

The bill passed committee. 

SB 141

The Council of State Taxation regularly publishes a report that objectively assesses state statutes and regulation, governing taxpayer access to independent appeals processes, and the handling of procedural elements affecting taxpayers as well as perceptions of fairness and efficiency. Georgia’s current grade is a B minus. This bill seeks to address that by making the following changes to the tax administration:

  • Clarify determination language in Georgia code for federal income tax adjustments 
  • Extend the appeal and protest period from 30 days to 45 days for tax assessments

The bill passed committee. 

Health and Human Services

SB 130

This bill—board legislation from the Georgia Board of Healthcare Workforce—aims to increase the number of healthcare workers in Georgia by expanding the scope of medical education funding and the scope of the Healthcare Workforce Board’s service-cancellation loan program. 

SB 130 amends a bill dealing with funding of medical education provided by hospital authorities. The law currently directs the Department of Community Health to pay up to $10,000 per annum to each resident receiving medical education in a teaching hospital or Hospital Authority of Georgia hospital. SB 130 would change the terminology from teaching hospital to designated institution, thereby expanding the program to Qualified Health Centers and standalone clinics as long as they have one or more residents in their program.  

The bill will also add the final year of residency and final year of fellowship to the loan cancellation program with the purpose of adding healthcare providers in rural and underserved areas. To participate in the program, participants must be born in the United States.

This bill passed committee.

SB 140

This bill would allow optometrists to dispense and sell certain pharmaceuticals used to treat diseases of the eye and the area around the eye. The doctor must be onsite when the medicine is prescribed, provide advice on usage, and maintain a records system to track who received it. The optometrists have not dealt with the insurance piece yet.

This bill passed committee.