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On February 20, 2025, the following Georgia House of Representatives committees met to discuss bills to potentially advance:

Select the associated links to read each bill in full.


HB 348

This bill comes at the request of the Department of Insurance. It changes the Georgia code to open the opportunity for companies to have more flexibility to structure their risk management plan to their maximum advantage.

The bill passed committee. 

HB 410

This bill allows insurance agents and branch agencies to renew licenses every two years rather than every year. It also cleans up the language around that change to make it clear.

The bill passed committee. 

SB 35

This bill, previously discussed (see HERE), will require insurance companies that are not renewing with a customer to provide a 60 day notice rather than a 30 day notice.  

The bill passed committee.

HB 420

This bill requires the state health insurance plan to extend coverage for genetic testing for inherited mutations. This is directly related to cancer screenings, but other inherited mutations will also be covered. 

The bill passes committee. 

Natural Resources and Environment

HB 320

This bill aims to recycle solar panels that exist in large solar power facilities to ensure these panels do not end up in landfills and creates a civil penalty if this recycling law is not followed ($20 per panel). This has the added benefit of creating more jobs with recycling plants. Recycling will be the responsibility of the solar panel owners, who may not be the landowners.

The bill passed committee.


HB 132

This is a municipal judicial bill. Municipal judges are often dealing with traffic citations and will also see cases for superior court and state court. This bill allows these judges to step back from part-time or full-time work to be called in as necessary after 10 years of aggregate experience. They will still need to keep their licenses current.

The bill also addresses gaps with sovereign immunity for cities. It puts certain cap amounts for incidents so that cities can budget for known risks and liability the same way the state and counties do.

The bill was tabled.

HB 327

This bill amends certain fiduciary laws passed within the past 20 years to conform to the original code revisions and to make reforms based on the recommendation of lawyers who practice fiduciary law in Georgia. Revisions include the following:

  • Changing the banking and trust code to make those align and ensure the same code is used for individual and institutional fiduciaries 
  • Changing the aspect in probate code that determines heirs to be more stringent
  • Properly notifying beneficiaries and adding this notification to an executor’s legal duties
  • Allowing trust activities to occur with electronic consent

The bill passed committee. 

HB 378

This bill requires each state court clerk to publish and maintain information regarding the terms of court in a prominent location on its website so that all counsel can be informed of what those terms are. Right now, that information is hard to find in certain counties. This bill wants to make that information easily available across all of Georgia. 

The bill passed committee. 

HB 392

This is a bill to clean up the language regarding 2024’s constitutional amendment that moved the trax tribunal to the judicial branch. 

The bill passed committee.

HB 426

This bill proposes non-partisan elections for all magistrate and probate judges. 

The bill passed committee. 

Judiciary Juvenile

HB 253

This bill outlaws judges from ordering or sentencing families to go to family reunification camps, most of which are out of state, when a case of Parental Alienation Syndrome has been determined.

The bill passed committee.


HB 164

This bill removes a sunset clause from a previous bill that raised truck weight to 88,000 pounds. 

The bill passed committee.