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Moving Forward Together

Cherokee County Democratic Committee is committed to educating local residents of the values and ideals of the Democratic Party. We are dedicated to protecting Voter Rights and expanding opportunity for every Georgian.

I’m Voting for Democrats up and down the ballot because...

“The KKK burned a cross in our LA yard when I was 19 after I was vocal against bigotry. I’ll vote for JD Jordan because he is vocal about protecting the rule of law and rights for all.”

Estoy votando por Demócratas por toda la planilla porque...

“El KKK quemó una bandera en nuestro patio en Los Angeles cuando yo tenía 19 años y fui vocal, protestando el racismo. Yo voy a votar por JD Jordan porque él está protegiendo las reglas de las leyes y los derechos de todos.”

-Michael M., Woodstock

Former board member Felicia Lewis with other CCD volunteers at the Woodstock 4th of July Parade

Get Involved

Many hands make light work. We have a wide variety of ways you can help out from a few minutes to a few hours, participating in new events to doing what you already do but with CCD flair.

Become a Member

Become a member today and meet other like-minded neighbors, enjoy fun, local events, and stay up-to-date on all the latest politics happening in Cherokee and Georgia. Members of CCD can become PostHolders, Officers, volunteers, and subcommittee members. The backbone of CCD, everything we do comes from the commitment of our members.

School board candidate Katie McRee and volunteer Peggy with signs of support at Gay Pride Parade in Atlanta 2022